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Chloë Arkenbout (she/they)
researcher, editor, teacher, speaker

Through critical research and as a teacher, I hope to contribute to a world where everyone, regardless of their identity, characteristics, expression, preferences and background can live a beautiful life. 

Researcher & Editor at the Institute of Network Cultures


The Institute of Network Cultures (INC) is an applied science research unit inside the Digital Media and Creative Industries faculty of the Amsterdam University of Applied Science, focussed on critical internet research - giving equal attention to the artistic, political, and technical aspects of the web. As Researcher & Editor I work on the strategy, content and execution of our research projects. This includes (financial) project management, production, curation, moderation, & promotion of (hybrid) events and publications, maintaining a relevant network of makers, thinkers & activists, editorial work and coaching interns and affiliated researchers.


My personal research revolves around what it means, politically, to be (in)visible in the (semi) digital public sphere - discussing subjects such as comment discussions, call-out culture, shadow banning, trigger warnings, and political memes. In my project Misdirected, I research the emotional dimensions in which digital media shape conflict and care within social movements. I also co-edited the three INC Readers about critical meme research that were published in  2021, 2022 and 2024.

CMD Teacher at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Next to my role as a researcher at INC, I work as a teacher at the Communication and Multimedia Design program at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, where I help students to critically reflect on their digital designs, in the context of the society they live in and the future they would like to see. In addition, I am a study coach/mentor and supervise students their internships and graduation projects.


From 2021 until 2024 I was also an advisor in the university's Research Ethics Committee, where I mainly focussed on issues around social safety and diversity & inclusion. 

Academic Background  & Volunteer Work

I have a background in both Media Studies and Philosophy, through a BA, pre-MA and MA at the University of Amsterdam. 


I am currently volunteering as an animal caretaker at a neighborhood farm in the city that I live in. In the past, I have also volunteered for organizations such as Amsterdam BIJ1, Amnesty International NL, Voedselbank Amsterdam, and Rode Kruis Amsterdam. 

Culture & Society Copywriter 

Before this, I worked as a freelance Copywriter, Communications Consultant and Journalist for multiple years. 

I worked with clients in the cultural and social sector such as 113 Zelfmoordpreventie, Amsterdam Art Weekend, Amsterdam Dance Event, Amsterdam Light Festival, COC Nederland, Volkshotel, Friendly Fire, Gemeente Amsterdam, Museumnacht Amsterdam, CJP, Solidaridad, VICE, TEDxAmsterdamWomen and various electronic music events, urban developers and creative entrepreneurs.

Publications & Appearances 

Topics I write and speak about include:

(political) meme studies (from the point of view of the (radical) left) / social movements and the technologies they use / the digital public sphere, social media comment wars, call out culture / witnessing images in the age of the platform, algorithmic censorship in social media platforms and shadowbanning / speculative & social design 

Here are some highlights 


And here is the complete overview





  • Confessions of a Political Meme Maker in SWIPE by Mieke Gerritzen (Next Nature Network, BIS Publishers), 2023.

  • Memes Beyond Images, SWIPE launch @ Next Nature Network, NXT Museum (speaker), 2023.

  • Screentime, Airtime, Facetime: Practicing Hybridity in Cultural Institutions (host of Chapter 2 and 3), 2023.

  • Society 5.0 Festival,  organized by the Digital Media & Creative Industries Faculty of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, the Digital Society School, the Centre of Expertise for Creative Innovation,the Rietveld Academy and InHolland University, 2023 (co-curator of the Inclusive Participation track).

  • Recast#19: Memes voor creativiteit, protest en hoop, Recast (Digital Society School), 2023.

  • Memes as a Portal to the Past and Future: How Extinction Rebellion is using Memes to Change the Narrative Around the Climate Crisis, 2023. 

  • Breaking the Meme, guest lecture @ Geert Lovink's Art and Network Cultures course at the University of Amsterdam, 2023.

  • Memes als dialectische beelden voor maatschappelijke verandering @ Filosofie in de Postdigitale Wereld (minor van de Faculteit Digitale Media & Creatieve Industrie van de Hogeschool van Amsterdam), 2023 (gastles).

  • Cartoon vs. Memes: hoe humor ons door oorlogen en epidemieën helpt @ Noorderzon Festval of Performing Arts & Society (panelgesprek), 2023.

  • Your memes could be artistic interventions, Culturala Journal, 2023.

  • Memes as Political Tools for Radical Change: Reflections on Viral Image Culture @ Master Photography and Society, Royal Academy of Art The Hague (guest lecture), 2023.

  • In-Between Media: Hybrid Tactics in the Crisis Era INC Conference @ Spui25, Framer Framed & OT301 Amsterdam (moderator, curator, producer), 2023.

  • Memes as an Artistic Research Practice @ Research-Creation: Merging the Critical and Creative, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (guest lecture with Laurence Scherz), 2023.



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